Nieuwebosstraat 1 B-9000 Ghent
Meetings in Parkhotel by appointment

Meetings in Ghent

With all necessary amenities

Parkhotel has a conference room for a maximum of 10 people.

The room is equipped with a large television screen that can be connected to a computer to display presentations. There is also the option to rent a flipchart for €10.

Rent without reservation of rooms: 45 € per hour.
Companies that rent rooms can obtain a discount on the rental price.

Coffee and tea buffet: €11 per person.
Coffee and tea buffet with mini pastries (3 per person): €17
Mini sandwiches: €6 per sandwich.
Water on the conference table: 1 liter bottle €11

All other drinks are charged according to the drinks menu.

All requests via, please state the address.